best way to preserve food

8 Best way to preserve food | Food preservation Why need it?

The Best way to preserve food, we discuss this topic in this post. Food preservation is the process that is handled to greatly slow down or stop spoilage and avoid foodborne illness while retaining flavor, texture, and nutritional value.

Best way to preserve food
Best way to preserve food

It includes the practice of food processing, which prevents microorganisms’ growth, like yeasts (though some methods work by introducing fungi or bacteria to the food). It reduces the process of breaking down fats that cause rancidity. Food preservation may also consist of processes that prevent visual decay, like the enzymatic browning reaction in apples after they are cut while preparing the food. Because of preserving food, the wastage of food is reduced. It is a very important way to increase the efficiency of the food system and reduce production, improve nutrition and food security, and contribute to environmental sustainability.

There are many processes organized to preserve food that has to do with more than one food preservation method .to store in a cool temperature, by drying, canning, freezing fragmentation, preserving in sugar and salt, alcohol and vinegar pickling. For example, preserving fruit by turning it into jam involves sugaring (to prevent them from re-growing), boiling (to kill all the bacteria and lessen the fruit’s moisture content, etc.), and sealing in an airtight jar to help prevent contamination.

The Different preserving food methods have different influences on the food system and food quality. Several old methods to preserve food have been seen to have a carbon footprint and a lesser energy input compared to new methods. However, some other methods to preserve food are known to make carcinogens.

Why do you need to preserve food at home?

For you to enjoy market products throughout the entire year, preserving your food at home is a low-cost and healthy option. Enjoy the summer bounty deep into the winter season with pickled pepper, brandied cherries, and berry jam-making use of our methods of preservation below.

The best way to preserve food:

To store in a Cool Temperature Storage.

 Cold food storage is the easiest method to preserve food. It takes place in refrigerators and cool, dark places like unheated basement pantries and root cellars. Preserving food by cooling slows down the growth of microorganisms that can make the food spoil. Before the invention of the refrigerator, food storage for cooling was often done in iceboxes and root cellars. Food stored in root cellar storage is yam, potatoes, garlic, onions, cabbage, apples, turnips, carrots, and beets.

best way to preserve food

By drying food

. Drying foods dwell in the growth of bacteria, mold, and yeasts by removing moisture content. Dehydration was practiced in ancient times with prehistoric peoples by sun-drying seeds. Oven, Electric food dehydrators, freeze-drying, and ovens facilitate the traditional process of air and sun. Foods that can dehydrate fine are vegetables, fruits, spices, legumes, fish, and meat.

best way to preserve food


Water Bath. In the 1800s, Nicolas Appert, A French cook known as the “father of canning,” invented the heating, packing, and sealing technique still used today to preserve food products. The process involves storing foods in canning jars and heating them to a high temperature to destroy the microorganism that makes food bad. The air is ejected from the jar when heating the food, and the cans cool. Canning inside a boiling water bath is ideal for high-acid foods, like fruit juice and fruits, salsa, pickled vegetables, vinegar, chutneys, and condiments. In addition, water bath canning needs a longer cooking time at a low temperature to kill the yeast, mold, and enzymes that bring about spoilage while making a vacuum seal for long-term storage.

best way to preserve food

. By Freezing

. Freezing of foods uses small specialized equipment while preserving textures and fresh flavors. Freezing reduces microorganisms and enzyme growth that can cause food spoilage. For better results, ensure to remove all air from the freezer bag, freeze room-temperature foods, and use within 6 months of freezing. Seal the frozen product in vacuum-sealed bags to prevent ice crystals from forming and prolong the shelf life of food.

best way to preserve food


Fermentation is a chemical reaction in which microorganisms, yeast or bacteria, convert carbohydrates into alcohol or organic acids under anaerobic conditions. This process is used to create some of our best funky foods like yogurt, cheese, kombucha, sauerkraut, sourdough bread, and kimchi.

best way to preserve food

Preserving in Sugar and Salt.

 Beforehand industrial refrigeration, most foods were preserved using salt, sugar, or a mixture of sugar and salt. Inhibits micro growth’s in fruits, vegetables, and meat. However, it helps in preservation and reduces the water content. Most sugar-preserved foods are jellies and jams, while salt pork, salt cod, bacon, and corned beef are commonly preserved with sugar and salt.

best way to preserve food

. Alcohol.

The fruit has been preserved with alcohol for a long history. In Europe during the eighteenth century, fruits like cherries, peaches, and apricots were submerged in brandy and served as dessert after a meal. Alcohol brings water in the food, like sugar and salt, inhibiting microbial growth. This method is the best used for making infused alcohols and extracts such as rump topf and cordials, a German way of preserving summer fruit in alcohol.

Vinegar Pickling.

Vinegar pickling produces a high acid environment that destroys microbes and causes a change in texture and flavor of food. Vinegar, sugar, and salt are heated and added to vegetables or fruit to make pickles of apple, cucumber, carrots, plums, okra, beets, peppers, onions, cauliflower, and green beans.