Daily Habits that Reduce Risk of Infectious Diseases

Reduce Risk of Infectious Diseases

Daily Habits that Reduce Risk of Infectious Diseases. Infectious diseases are illnesses or diseases caused by an infectious organism or its toxic by-product, which causes harm or injury to the human body. Organisms that cause contagious diseases include viruses, bacteria, fungi, and worms.

These organisms are usually carried by other organisms or animals called hosts. Infection arises when either the host, an infected person, infected animal, or contaminated object or surface transmits the infectious pathogens to the healthy person, which is unable to be overpowered by the immune system causes disease.

Reduce Risk of Infectious Diseases

When the immune system is strong and optimal, disease symptoms may not develop even when there is infection. However, If the immune system is weak or compromised, or the condition proves too strong for the immune system and overpowers it, an infectious disease occurs.

Infectious diseases range from the common cold, strep throat, flu, malaria, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, Covid-19 to sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis, chlamydia, HIV/AIDS. If Infected, some such as flu, malaria, chlamydia are curable while others, such as HIV/AIDS, are not and can only be suppressed with antiretroviral medication.

Daily Habits that Reduce Risk of Infectious Diseases

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Our immune system is a super-fighter and destroys most of these microbes immediately they enter the body; despite its best efforts, we still get sick from some that evade this master-defence mechanism.

It is encouraged for us to incorporate healthy habits that will help reduce our risk of infection and help boost our immune system to maintain a healthy state.

Some of these habits to include in our daily routine include:

Maintain Personal Hygiene

Daily Habits that Reduce Risk of Infectious Diseases

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It is vital to keep optimum personal hygiene at all times to reduce the possibility of infection if we happen to come in contact with contaminated surfaces. Bathing frequently, even when we don’t look dirty, can significantly help dislodge these pathogens from the surface of our body if they happen to be there.

Handwashing with water and soap frequently is also a good hygiene tip. It should be incorporated into our daily life, especially after using the bathroom, before eating or cooking, before treating a cut or wound, or when in contact with a sick person.

Long fingernails act as a haven for infections and germs. By touching things throughout the day, germs are likely to get stuck into your nails, and these germs can pass through any entry point in your body and cause disease.

Keeping it Personal

Personal grooming items like combs, razors, toothbrushes should be strictly private and for individual use only. Sharing is highly discouraged to prevent the risk of transmission of infections.

Good Nutrition

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Eating healthy keeps us in shape and provides essential nutrients and vitamins that build our immunity towards fighting these infections. Eating a lot of greens and food rich in antioxidants will help the body battle foreign pathogens that are harmful. A balanced diet will get you all the recommended daily food sources that keep you fit and healthy. It is also essential to stick to meal routines and avoid bad habits such as skipping breakfast, making you hungrier throughout the day, and increasing your tendency to snack on junk food. It is also vital to drink water, a minimum of 8-10 glasses daily. Sufficient water intake is essential to flush out toxins from the body and keep body cells hydrated. Avoid excess sugar and alcohol intake because it could lead to chronic diseases like diabetes and cirrhosis, affecting the immune system.

Rest and Exercise

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It is important to input exercise into your daily activities. It helps ensure the body maintains a healthy weight, keeps fit, decreases stress and tension, and boosts overall energy levels.

It is necessary to get enough rest as the body can heal itself and repair damaged cells during the resting state. It is crucial to gain at least eight hours of sleep daily. Creating a good sleeping pattern and proper routine such as a comfortable bed and avoiding alcohol and heavy meals at bed night is necessary for a good night’s rest.

Stop Harmful Habits

Harmful habits such as smoking cigarettes excessive alcohol intake tend to harm the body by causing chronic diseases such as lung cancer and cirrhosis, which compromise the immune system and make us susceptible to infections.

If included in our daily routine, these habits will not only ensure we significantly reduce our risk of infectious diseases but will also ensure we’re fit and healthy, thus achieving two goals simultaneously!!!!