herbal tea

Herbal Teas are shown to improve memory mood and sleep quality

Herbal Teas showed to improve to memory mood and sleep quality while helping to reduce anxiety stress and PMS


Has your memory taken a dive over the last couple of years? If the answer is yes, then you are not alone; the global pandemic has given many of us an element of brain fog. Now a new Tea Advisory Panel (TAP) research review – Herbal Infusions and Women’s Health[1] – presents emerging evidence that certain herbal teas – German Chamomile, Rosehip, and Spearmint – could help manage several key issues for women from poor quality Sleep to memory loss and debilitating PMS.

Over the past two years, the many lockdowns, repetitive routines, and quarantines mean that our memory function has not had to work to take in new experiences, hence our current state of brain fog. Moreover, medical experts say if you have had Covid-19, it can have a negative impact upon your memory for up to nine months afterward.

GP, study co-author and guest advisor to the independent health and wellbeing group, Tea Advisory Panel (TAP) Dr. Gill Jenkins explains: “Most of us have suffered from a lack of social connection over the past couple of years, and because of the dearth of new experiences, events, and dates our memories may have become more muddled. There has also been a sharp increase in levels of anxiety among women, another factor detrimental to concentration and memory retention.” She adds: “This new study examines several women’s health issues and finds compelling evidence that drinking herbal teas – German Chamomile, Rosehip, and Spearmint – can boost sleep quality and in turn help memory function and low mood.”


We all know that not getting enough sleep has a negative impact on both our mental and physical health. But recent figures show that the global pandemic has exacerbated the sleep crisis in Britain, especially among women, with 52 percent saying their Sleep has been more disturbed than usual [2].

Even without the harmful effects of the pandemic, the shocking truth is that women have a risk of insomnia that is around 40 percent higher over their lifetime than men [3]. Women’s sleep issues and their links to hormonal changes – be that menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause – is something that is only just starting to be fully recognized.


As leading neuroscientists have shown, poor Sleep can be linked to numerous fatal diseases. At the very least, a lack of sleep impairs our ability to function across the board. It is no surprise then that chronic insomnia commonly co-exists alongside other serious medical conditions, such as anxiety and depression. Women’s health expert and a member of TAP – Dr. Catherine Hood, says: “Sleep is the foundation of good health. The Herbal Infusions and Women’s Health Study shows that drinking a cup of German Chamomile tea every day can aid relaxation and promote better quality sleep. The tea has mildly sedative properties which help the body to regulate sleep.”

German Chamomile tea also boasts several other health benefits for women, including helping to reduce menstrual pain, PMS, and stress. The new study also shows that it can significantly reduce cholesterol and help to improve glucose, insulin, and blood lipid levels.


The number of British people suffering from diabetes continues to grow, with 4.9 people have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes,[4] and a staggering 13.6 million are now also at risk of the condition. In most cases, patients are encouraged to have a healthier diet and take more exercise. This TAP study shows that as well as German Chamomile tea, spearmint tea can also have positive effects on glucose levels, and in conjunction with lifestyle changes, it can make a real difference to health. Herbal teas contain a range of plant compounds, including flavonoids which helps to explain the many health benefits.

Herbal researcher and study co-author Dr. Pam Mason explains: “Spearmint has traditionally been used in herbal medicine for a plethora of digestive disorders including indigestion, IBS, and diarrhea. She adds: “The evidence highlights that natural compounds such as these have anti-inflammatory and blood vessel dilating properties. Our findings even showed that osteoarthritis sufferers who took it regularly found that their stiffness and mobility improved.”

Other evidence of the benefits of Spearmint include:

  • It helps to regulate hormone levels
  • Can improve muscle and joint pain
  • May reduce nausea and headache symptoms


In traditional medicine, rosehip tea has long been used to help with digestive upsets because it helps to soothe the gastrointestinal tract. It contains a range of vitamins, including vitamin C, as well as polyphenols which are known to play an important part in immune function. The new research review from TAP showed that rosehip extract could also help osteoarthritis sufferers – with data showing that those taking it on a regular basis experienced significantly less pain and increased mobility. It is also thought to help those with rheumatoid arthritis. More research is needed.


Women’s health issues are often neglected by the medical profession, but this research review shows that herbal infusions can significantly boost hormonal health. The latest research shows us that levels of female hormones can have a powerful effect on sleep regulation.

Rosehip tea is another herbal tea infusion that is shown to reduce anxiety and boost Sleep and wellbeing. Dr. Pamela Mason adds it has many other health benefits too: “Rosehip tea was found to reduce menstrual pain and to drink two cups on a daily basis has been shown to help decrease abdominal fat and body weight. It has also been shown to improve the skin’s appearance by boosting elasticity and moisture.”

The TAP Herbal Infusions and Women’s Health Research Review also found other evidence of the health benefits of drinking herbal tea, including:

  • Reduced stress levels
  • Improved attention span
  • Reduced inflammation

Dr. Catherine Hood from TAP concludes: “To date, we have underestimated the significant impact that hormones have on women’s health. The findings of this new research review suggest that certain herbal teas, be that German Chamomile, Rose Hip or Spearmint, can have real benefits for a range of conditions.” She adds: “The emerging evidence of the benefits of herbal infusions is fascinating, and it will be exciting to see what future studies can add to our body of knowledge. Research like this into women’s health issues can only help us live longer, healthier lives.” Find more information.

Beat brain fog

Need a cognitive boost? There are some simple ways to improve your memory function. Three top tips recommended by TAP are:

  1. Exercise regularly: Exercise helps our muscles to clear out harmful chemicals that may impair memory. The main benefits come in the first 20 minutes, so aim for a short session of exercise every day. Regular exercise can significantly boost our ability to remember things.
  2. Drink herbal tea: “Try to drink herbal tea on a daily basis,” says Dr. Catherine Hood. “Our study shows that even one cup a day can have significant effects on health.”
  3. Write things down: Ditch the calendar on your mobile and use a paper diary instead. Planning and writing events down help us to process and remember things.

The Tea Advisory Panel: The Tea Advisory Panel is supported by an unrestricted grant from the UK TEA & INFUSIONS ASSOCIATION, the trade association for the UK tea industry. The panel has been created to provide the media with impartial information regarding the health benefits of tea. Panel members include nutritionists, dieticians, and doctors.