motivate myself for study

How to motivate myself for study

Everyone has his way of motivating himself to study. How you do it may not be how others do it. However, here

are some ways that work for many people.

How to motivate myself for study

First of all, understanding how your brain works can help you find a studying environment that suits you best.
As recorded within the most recent version of Scientific American Mind magazine, using fMRIs (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging), scientists discovered how different individuals use their brains when they are no longer actively doing something but passively receiving information. Using fMRI is helpful because most students don’t want to be hooked up to one while studying or sitting for an exam, so here is how they just learned how different brains function.

The first kind of student used only the language processing area of their brain, which is on the left side. This student got through studying quickly and did well on the exam because they were dominant in using one side of their brain.

The second type of student used both the language-processing areas of his brain (left and right hemisphere) while studying or taking an exam but didn’t use his memory center, which is located deep inside the back part of his brain. Because this student was constantly multitasking, how can he be expected to get good grades?
The third type of student couldn’t use just one side of their brain while studying or taking an exam. He constantly shifted how he used both sides of his brain, so how can he be expected to get good grades?

Besides knowing how your brain works, there are other ways to motivate yourself to study. Grouping by how you learn best which is how your brain functions during studying, will help you find how to be motivated. Teachers can’t teach everyone the same way; how would they know how you learn best?

A student who learns best with sight uses visuals, colors, sticky notes on her notebook, etc. Some people may think this method is not productive, but if it helps her understand concepts, she should stick with how she learns best.

Another type of learner needs audio, so they listen intently while others talk about a concept or lecture. Writing down key points and words for this type of learner also seems beneficial, so he/she doesn’t forget anything said.
The third type of learner, kinesthetic, learns best by doing. They feel overwhelmed with a lot of reading, and it takes a long time to complete assignments. This type of student usually has a high energy level and loves movement.

Fourth, some students are more reflective; they need time alone to process information. They usually have low energy and work best in the evening hours.
After you understand how you learn best, it is important that you find the right place to study where you will be productive.

This has been acknowledged as an excellent place for students to focus on their work without interruption. If you are easily distracted, your environment may be the problem.

First, how do you feel when you are at this place? If it is comforting and peaceful, keep going back to that location to study. If not, how about trying another room in your home or a quiet corner in the library? If neither of those locations works, the third choice would be studying while listening to soft music or something else that helps you stay focused.

The last thing is how much sleep should you get before studying and taking an exam? According to the fitness portal, “sleep deprivation negatively impacts memory,” leading to lower grades and fatigue during exams.
Many students don’t realize how important sleep is, so take advantage of how much you need instead of trying to stay up until 2 am.
Your brain functions affect how you study, so use these tips for motivation!

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